
Gangrene is a condition that occurs when body tissue dies. It is caused by a loss of blood supply due to an underlying illness, injury, and/or infection. Fingers, toes, and limbs are most often affected, but gangrene can also occur inside the body, damaging organs and muscles. There are different types of gangrene and all require immediate medical attention.

The gangrene is an infection that attacks any wound that is present in the body acting in an aggressive manner, in such a way, that the tissue will be necrotic and you're losing awareness in that part of the body. It is of the utmost importance that people who suffer from any disease such as diabetes or suffer from defenses low and have any wound in your body come to the doctor to ensure that your valued that wound and thus preventing that tissue will fence necrotic and moves forward, this will prevent a amputation of the necrotic tissue.
Bibliography: S.A. (2015). Gangrene. Web MD. Recovered from:
Date of Publication: October 02, 2015.

Gangrene Symptoms & Causes.

You may notice the following symptoms at the site of the dry gangrene:
ü  Dry and shriveled skin that changes color from blue to black and eventually sloughs off.
ü  Cold and numb skin.
ü  Pain may or may not be present
Symptoms of wet gangrene may include:
ü  Swelling and pain at the site of infection.
ü  Change in skin color from red to brown to black.
ü  Blisters or sores that produce a bad-smelling discharge (pus).
ü  Fever and feeling unwell.
A crackling noise that comes from the affected area when pressed. Internal gangrene usually is painful in the area of the gangrene. For example, a person with gangrene of the appendix or colon would be expected to have severe abdominal pain the vicinity of the gangrene.

Gangrene Causes.
Blood plays a very important role in your health. Not only does it transport oxygen and nutrients throughout your body to feed cells, it delivers disease-fighting antibodies that protect your body from infection. When blood cannot travel freely throughout the body, your cells cannot survive, infection can develop, and tissue can die from gangrene. Any condition that affects blood flow increases your risk of gangrene, including:
ü  Diabetes.
ü  Atherosclerosis.
ü  Peripheral arterial disease.
ü  Smoking.
ü  Trauma or serious injury.
ü  Obesity.

Gangrene is a disease that if not treated in time, damage caused are irreversible, previously had already said that it is of utmost importance that persons suffering from diabetes, atherosclerosis, that your immune system not properly combat agents pathogens entering the body should go to the doctor when they have some sort of injury on the skin as well is a simple scratch must come, because a poorly attended gangrene ends in amputation where this injury and unfortunately gangrene advances quickly that sometimes is too late to give a treatment and monitoring to avoid amputation of damaged tissue.
Bibliography: S.A. (2015). Gangrene. Web MD. Recovered from:

Date of Publication: October 09, 2015.

Types of Gangrene.

  • Dry Gangrene:
All of your body organs (such as your liver, heart, muscles) need oxygen to function properly and survive. The oxygen is carried to different parts of your body by your blood. If one of your body parts loses enough oxygen, it could start to deteriorate and die, leading to the condition called dry gangrene.

                                      Wet Gangrene:
     Wet gangrene happens when your body tissues become infected with some type of bacteria. The tissues react to the presence of the bacteria by growing moist and breaking down. This process causes the death of your tissues

  •  Gas Gangrene:
Gas gangrene is caused by bacteria called Clostridia, which cause gas bubbles and toxins to develop inside the affected area. The resulting gases cause tissue death.

      I cannot conclude that people who suffer from chronic degenerative diseases, particularly diabetes and hypertension, should take care of your body. In people with hypertension should be more careful, because hypertension is not more than the tapamiento of the arteries, which implies that there is or there is a good irrigation in the person's body. In this type of people they are removed the consumption of salt and some meat and vegetables by the high salt content. Care must be taken is to avoid injury to the skin, and in the event that there are to make the most effective cleaning of the wound and go to the doctor, by following the step-by-step instructions given by your health care provider to be able to avoid the wound becomes gangrenous.
     Bibliography: S.A. (2015). Gangrene. Web MD. Recovered from:
Date of Publication: October 16, 2015.

  •      Antibiotics
  •      Surgery to remove all dead and infected tissue
      If gas gangrene is suspected, treatment must begin immediately. High doses of antibiotics, typically penicillin and clindamycin, are given, and all dead and infected tissue is removed surgically. About one of five people with gas gangrene in a limb requires amputation.
     Treatment in a high-pressure oxygen (hyperbaric oxygen) chamber may also be helpful, but such chambers are not always readily available.


     As human beings we are not prepared to forfeit any part of our body, however, when it comes to the disease and we are on the verge of death due to disease (whatever) we should take the most appropriate decision always thinking in that will benefit us or affect that decision. In such extreme situations such as gangrene we must rely on our family and closest friends, taking into account the opinion of the attending physician. That is why I invite my audience to read the article by clicking the link.

      Bibliography: Bush. L.M. (2015). Gas Gangrene. Consumer Version. Recuperado de:
      Date Publication: October 23, 2015.


  •      A doctor's evaluation.
  •      Examination and culture of fluids from the wound.
  •      Sometimes exploratory surgery or biopsy to obtain a tissue simple.

      The initial diagnosis is based on symptoms and results of a physical examination.
      X-rays are taken to check for gas bubbles in muscle tissue, or computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is done to check for areas of dead muscle tissue. These findings support the diagnosis. However, gas bubbles may also occur in other anaerobic infections.
      Fluids from the wound are examined under a microscope to check for clostridia, and cultures are done to confirm their presence. However, not all people with clostridia have gas gangrene. Confirmation of the diagnosis often requires exploratory surgery or removal of a tissue sample for examination under a microscope (biopsy) to check for characteristic changes in muscle.

Gangrene is a disease that spreads quickly, destroying tissue and nerves of the body; people who suffer from this disease complain of pains strong enough, but after a certain time if not discussed that wound in your body leaves them hurting. This is due to gangrene, kills the nerves and to kill them that part of the body ceases to have sensitivity to pain. It is therefore suggested for a good medical diagnostic laboratory sampling, do a biopsy and x-rays show where much has advanced disease in the body of the person who suffers from this disease.
Bibliography: Bush. L.M. (2015). Gas Gangrene. Consumer Version. Recuperado de:
Date Publication: October 30, 2015.


Here are a few suggestions to help you reduce your risk of developing gangrene:
     Care for your diabetes. If you have diabetes, make sure you examine your hands and feet daily for cuts, sores and signs of infection, such as redness, swelling or drainage. Ask your doctor to examine your hands and feet at least once a year.
  •      Lose weight. Excess pounds not only put you at risk of diabetes but also place pressure on your arteries, constricting blood flow and putting you at risk of infection and slow wound healing.
  •      Don't use tobacco. The chronic use of tobacco products can damage your blood vessels.
  •      Help prevent infections. Wash any open wounds with a mild soap and water and try to keep them clean and dry until they heal.
  •      Watch out when the temperature drops. Frostbitten skin can lead to gangrene because frostbite reduces blood circulation in an affected area. If you notice that any area of your skin has become pale, hard, cold and numb after prolonged exposure to cold temperatures, call your doctor.
Suggestions to reduce the risk of gangrene are important to take out and at the foot of the letter, as that will prevent that in a future not have to amputate a part of the body. Certainly the people who suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, which are exceeding their weight, is of relevance to take constant care to skin for these people it is more difficult that they heal wounds due to chronic degenerative diseases. It is recommended that the people who are prone to collapse the gangrene is auto explore, you see that your skin is intact; where I had some discoloration on the skin is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible to prevent this wound is complicated and can reach an amputation of the body. This disease and your triggers should be taken seriously and change of lifestyle to avoid complications from other diseases.

Bibliography: S/A. (2014). Diseases and Conditions Gangrene. Mayo Clinic. Recuperado de:
Date of Publication: November 06, 2015.


   Gangrene can lead to scarring or the need for reconstructive surgery. Sometimes, the amount of tissue death is so extensive that a body part, such as your foot, may need to be removed.
Gangrene that is infected with bacteria can spread quickly to other organs and may be fatal if left untreated.

Exams and Tests:

The doctor may diagnose gangrene from a physical examination. In addition, the following tests and procedures may be used to diagnose gangrene:
  •      Arteriogram (special x-ray to see any blockages in the blood vessels) to help plan treatment for blood vessel disease
  •      Blood tests (white blood cell [WBC] count may be high)
  •      CT scan to examine internal organs
  •      Culture of the tissue or fluid from wounds to identify bacterial infection
  •      Examining tissue under the microscope to look for cell death
  •      X-rays

     The complications of this disease are unfortunately irreversible, since the only way to prevent this disease from spreading throughout the body is amputating the affected part of the body. In a certain way is the cure for the disease, but people who have unfortunately suffered an amputation of her body because of this disease are with emotional problems, because they are useless to society, it is a new change that are suffering; not so only they suffer because of the amputation, but that their families and their loved ones suffer from similarly because they regard their patient suffer. From my point of view it is very important not to leave only to your family member or friend who is going through a situation this is not easy for them deal with this disease, I can advise that they support him, to daily encourage it continue forward showing that life goes on despite adversity and that every human being can suffer from this disease
Bibliography: S/A. (2014). Diseases and Conditions Gangrene. Mayo Clinic. Recuperado de:
        Date of Publication: November 13, 2015.

                 I Can Do If Have Gangre

Write down any symptoms you're experiencing, and for how long. It will help your doctor to have as many details as possible about when your symptoms first appeared and how they may have worsened or spread over time.
Write down any recent injury or trauma to your skin, including cuts, bites, injections, surgery or possible frostbite. If you have recently used injectable recreational drugs, this is critical information to share with your doctor.
Write down your key medical information, including any other conditions with which you've been diagnosed. Also write down all medications, vitamins or supplements that you're taking.
Take a family member or friend along. Gangrene is a medical emergency. Take someone with you to help you remember all of the information your doctor provides and who can stay with you if you need immediate treatment.
      Gangrene is a severe and serious disease where people who suffer from it begin to have a series of questions regarding your illness, so it is recommended that a leaf fence scoring questions arising for some time before going to the doctor, this is intended to solve and analyze frequently asked questions of people.

Bibliography: S/A. (2014). Diseases and Conditions Gangrene. Mayo Clinic. Recuperado de:

          Date of Publication: November 20, 2015.

                          Presentation of a Case.

     Sixty six year old patient, white and with a history of diabetes mellitus, so had treatment with glibenclamide. It was operated for inguinal hernia left 1 month ago at another medical center, and enters our Center by increase of volume in hemiescroto left, painful to palpation, with a marked thickening of spermatic cord, fever of 39 ° C, vomiting, and difficulty walking.

Physical Exam.
     Soft Abdomen, depressible, noise present air speed-boats, left inguinal region increased in volume, of hard, painful, consistency with covered surgical wound and normal penis. Examine the testicles and escrotos shows an enlargement of the left hemiescroto, the testicle increased volume, hard, painful to the mobilization, with increased local temperature, and fluctuating area. Rectal throws sphincter normotonico, no hemorrhoids, rectal tumor, prostate volume increased with grade 1, fibromatosa, edges regular consistency not painful.
     Drained abscess with intensely fetid purulent contents, yellow and dense consistency. He is medical treatment with ceftriaxone 1 g EV c / 12 h, metronidazole EV and it follows evolutionarily. 2 days the dark coloration of the scrotal wall and crepitation areas, striking so it was decided to take the patient to the operating room for surgical treatment. Is you then extensive debridement of necrotic tissue, making multiple longitudinal incisions, left orchiectomy with high ligation of spermatic, washing wide lace with hydrogen peroxide, then Dakin solution and yodopuvidona, and is put gauze impregnated with nitrofurazone. For microbiological study secretion sample was taken. Cures were 2 times a day and remains a scheme of triple antibiotic for 10 days with a favorable evolution.
Scheme of Antibiotic.
Crystalline penicillin EV, 4 c bulbs / 6 h.
Metronidazole EV, a jar c / 8 h.
Ceftriaxone, 1 g. EV c / 12 h.
Result of the Microbiological Study of Secretion.
     Escherichia coli sensitive to amikacin, for what when it completed the cycle of triple antibiotic indicated amikacin 500 mg. IM c / 12 h and daily care to discharge. The patient had a 39-day stay.

     According to our hypothesis, diagnosed early Fournier gangrene decreases morbidity and mortality. The treatment must be based on radical debridement and a scheme of triple antibiotic, i.e. with the aggressiveness demanded by this traumatic process. The informed consent of the Bioethics of autonomy principle remained.
      Is of utmost importance that the patient carry out directed by the doctor without omitting any of them, because that depends on the follow-up given to treatment and the directions of the doctor his life will be "normal" for other people.

Bibliography: Emilio Simón Barroso de la Cruz, Odalys Sandoval Camejo y María Albertina Sotolongo Toledo. (2005).  Presentation of a case. Infomed
. Recuperado de:
Date of Publication: November 27, 2015.

Difference Between Gangrene and Necrosis.

    Gangrene and necrosis are two different terms that may not be very common to hear in the mouths of people who are not medical. Given the fact that they are different diseases, which often confuses people; It is important to clarify some of the basic differences, just in case, and you happen to you or any of your loved ones.
     The necrosis can occur without infection, while gangrene is due to the infection of necrotic tissue.
     Generaly, gangrene is more extensive than necrosis.
     The gangrene mortality is greater than by necrosis.
     Sometimes is often confused with necrosis of muscle tissue gangrene, since these are similar, however, it is important to stay calm and ask the doctor questions that have, he know how to explain the type of Pathology who suffer and will surely give you a proper treatment.
Bibliography: Vaivasuata.(2014). Difference Between Gangrene and Necrosis. Salud. Recuperado de: http:/

Date of Publication:  December 04, 2015.

1 comentario:

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