OCTOBER 05, 2015
Definition of Pregnancy

Pregnancy: The state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the female body. This condition can be indicated by positive results on an over-the-counter urine test, and confirmed through a blood test, ultrasound, detection of fetal heartbeat, or an X-ray. Pregnancy lasts for about nine months, measured from the date of the woman's last menstrual period (LMP). It is conventionally divided into three trimesters, each roughly three months long.

The most important tasks of basic fetal cell differentiation occur during the first trimester, so any harm done to the fetus during this period is most likely to result in miscarriage or serious disability. There is little to no chance that a first-trimester fetus can survive outside the womb, even with the best hospital care. Its systems are simply too undeveloped. This stage truly ends with the phenomenon of quickening: the mother's first perception of fetal movement. It is in the first trimester that some women experience "morning sickness," a form of nausea on awaking that usually passes within an hour. The breasts also begin to prepare for nursing, and painful soreness from hardening milk glands may result. As the pregnancy progresses, the mother may experience many physical and emotional changes, ranging from increased moodiness to darkening of the skin in various areas. During the second trimester, the fetus undergoes a remarkable series of developments. Its physical parts become fully distinct and at least somewhat operational. With the best medical care, a second-trimester fetus born prematurely has at least some chance of survival, although developmental delays and other handicaps may emerge later. As the fetus grows in size, the mother's pregnant state will begin to be obvious. In the third trimester, the fetus enters the final stage of preparation for birth. It increases rapidly in weight, as does the mother. As the end of the pregnancy nears, there may be discomfort as the fetus moves into position in the woman's lower abdomen. Edema (swelling of the ankles), back pain, and balance problems are sometimes experienced during this time period. Most women are able to go about their usual activities until the very last days or weeks of pregnancy, including non-impact exercise and work. During the final days, some feel too much discomfort to continue at a full pace, although others report greatly increased energy just before the birth. Pregnancy ends when the birth process begins.

·         Personal Opinion
Personally, I think it is of great help this article since it, in the plasma what is the definition of pregnancy, and the most important us plasma so very summary and general that is what's going on in the journey of this, that is to say, their signs and symptoms, as well as the complications can be taken in certain weeks of gestation.

 Bibliography: S,A. (2013). Pregnancy of definition. Octubre 05, 2015, de MEDICINE.NET Sitio web:

OCTOBER 06, 2015

PREGNANCY Conception:

·         Fertilization. (

Fallopian tube: A sperm must swim all the way from your vagina up through your cervix and uterus and into the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg.

Ovary: One of your eggs has broken out of its follicle in the ovary and been swept into the fallopian tube.

Ovum: Once a sperm burrows through the outer membrane to penetrate the ovum, or egg, their genetic material combines to form a new cell that soon starts rapidly dividing.

Sperm: All it takes is one sperm out of about 250 million in the average ejaculation to fertilize the egg.

  • ·       Implantation. (

Amniotic sac: Amniotic fluid is beginning to collect in this cavity, which will soon envelop the embryon and become the anmniotic sac.
Blastocyst: Your baby-in-the-making is a tiny ball of several hundred rapidly multiplying cells. The ball is called a blastocyst.
Embryo: The cells that will become the embryo are beginning to arrange themselves in two round and flat layers.
Placental cells: These cells will soon form the placenta. Right now they're producing hCG, the hormone that turns a pregnancy test positive.
Uterine lining: The blastocyst has started burrowing into the blood-rich uterine lining.
Vagina: You may notice a bit of spotting by the end of this week, possibly caused by the blastocyst burrowing into the blood-rich uterine lining.
Yolk sac: This cavity will soon be the yolk sac, which produces your baby's red blood cells and delivers nutrients until the placenta is ready to take over.

  • Personal Opinion                          .

To begin to address the topic of pregnancy, it is of the most importance to know a little bit of anatomy in regard to this topic, so they could getting more familiar with the terms of which are talking about, this first part present is intended to define the majority of the concepts with which, it is going to get developed more into depth on the subject of pregnancy; stages of pregnancy, your baby's development for months, complications, etc. The fertilization and implantation are the 2 processes with which it begins the stage of gestation, and therefore of the highest importance, because in these is speak to us of how it is that is causing the gestation. The videos that are attached to the file, we soaked more about the beggining of the pregnancy, it is worth mentioning that cannot skip the reading of the article submitted, since for a better understanding of the videos is required to read the term and at the same time, we know that is what it is speak to us in the video. Pregnancy is a time very nice for women who really loves it, it is incredible the way in which a being can give life to another being.

S,A. (2015). Your pregnancy week by week. Octubre 06, 2015, de BabyCenter Expert Advice Sitio web:

OCTOBER 13, 2015

What are the stages of labor and birth? 
  • The process of labor and birth is divided into three stages:

1. The first stage begins from the moment that appear contractions , which cause progressive changes in the cervix and ends when this is fully dilated. This first stage has two phases:Early stage: your cervix gradually thins (becomes thinner) and dilates (opens).Active phase: your cervix begins to dilate more rapidly and contractions are longer, stronger and closer together. In the last part of the active phase, it is commonly known as the transitional phase.
2. The second stage of labor begins when you're fully dilated and ends with the birth of your baby . To this it is also known as the stage of "bid" .3. The third stage of labor starts right after giving birth and ends when you expel the placenta.Each pregnancy is different and the duration of each birth varies widely. For moms, labor usually lasts between ten and 20 hours. For other women, however, it can last more or less the last time indicated above.Labor usually progresses more rapidly among women who have had a vaginal delivery.
  • Personal opinion

Childbirth is divided into 3 stages of which each stage consists of a number of weeks, in each of these stages van go happening various changes both physical and emotional, is very important to know more to fund to run through each stage of labor, as it is through these is as expectant mothers will be counted as is the progress of childbirth, and know the warning signs that are present in each stage. In the article referred to above , describes each stage to broadly, as later describe individually the 3 stages. It is worth mentioning that, as already mentioned in the article, it should be borne in mind that the labor is more late in first time mothers, that is to say, will be more prolonged.

S,A. (2013). Your pregnancy week by week. Octubre 13, 2015, de BabyCenter Expert Advice Sitio web:

OCTOBER 23,2015

First stage: early stage

Once the contractions occur at regular intervals and the neck of the uterus begins gradually to be tuned and dilating, will have started officially childbirth. Unless the birth begins suddenly (when you don't have any symptoms and immediately begin to have contractions very followed), sometimes it is difficult to know when it begins the true birth. And that is due to the fact that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the contractions that occur in the early stage of labor and Braxton Hicks contractions, which could occur just before, simulating what is known as a false birth. Assuming that we have reached the end of pregnancy, as the hours roll will know whether it has begun the delivery true: the contractions become more painful, long and frequent. Toward the end of the early stage, will come about every five minutes and last between 40 and 60 seconds each. Some women have contractions more frequent during this phase, although they tend to be mild and last for less than a minute. At this stage there is an increase in mucus in the vaginal discharge, which sometimes is accompanied by some threads of blood. This is what is known as the mucus plug (a plug that seals the uterus throughout pregnancy). The early stage of labor ends when the cervix reaches 4 centimeters of dilatation and there is an accelerated progress.

First stage: active phase

Childbirth active is when things really start to accelerate. The contractions become more frequent, long and intense, to the point that when you have you makes it difficult to speak. The cervix begins to dilate faster, until reach 10 centimeters dilation. To the last part of the active phase of labor, when the neck of the uterus increases from 8 cm to 10 cm of dilation, is called transitional phase. Toward the end of this phase, the baby may be starting to fall, although you may have already begun to do so before. Or, it is possible to fall in the next phase.

  • Personal Opinion.

The most important thing at this stage is knowing how to identify the contractions that occur, since the contractions Braxton Hicks, occurring when carries out what is known as false labor. Another very important point that I think it is very convenient, I would like to highlight is that it is normal increase of mucus in the vaginal discharge which will be accompanied by threads of blood in minimum quantity, since if the wires of blood are so abundant it is necessary to go immediately to the medical service, because it is a sign of alarm and as much as possible is that it has broken the bag or the source.


S,A. (2013). Your pregnancy week by week. Octubre 23, 2015, de BabyCenter Expert Advice Sitio web:

OCTOBER 30, 2015

Second stage: Transition.

when the cervix is dilated completely from 8 to 10 centimetres, it is considered that these in the last part of the active phase. It is known as the transitional period because it gives way to the second stage of labor.

This is the more intense part of labor. The contractions are usually very strong, appear around every two and a half minutes or three and last a minute or more. It may be that you start to shake or shivering.

When the cervix is fully dilated and already have been completed the transition, usually the baby will have fallen a little through the pelvis. Here is when we could begin to feel pressure on the rectum, as if they would want to evacuate. Some women begin to bid spontaneously and may even begin to grunt or shout.

  • Personal opinión.

This stage is even more important since it is in the which reaches a maximum dilatation of the cervix. Contractions occur with more frequency and that is why it should take the time to these, it is important to remember that the importance of this is that, between more frequent is how it is dilating the cervix and how consistent happens the expulsion of the baby. Something relevant to the stage of transition, is that this produces a feeling of evacuating and it is then when should bid since it is a sign that the baby is already born, however, the majority of the women that are at this stage try to avoid this process (not bid against each other), since they are not explained that is actually what will happen if they bid against each other.


S,A. (2013). Your pregnancy week by week. November 2, 2015, de BabyCenter Expert Advice Sitio web:

NOVEMBER 2, 2015

Third stage: elimination of the placenta

A few minutes after the birth, the uterus begins to contract again. The first contractions usually do the placenta to separate from the wall of the uterus. On average, the third stage of labor lasts about five to ten minutes after ejecting the placenta, the uterus will contract and will be very strong. Placing his hand on the belly you can feel the top of the uterus in the abdomen, around the navel. The doctor will review periodically the uterus to determine if this firm. If not, apply a massage cervix until it hardens. This is important because the contraction of the uterus helps close the blood vessels open in the area where the placenta. If the uterus does not contract properly, will continue the bleeding profusely through these blood vessels.

  • Personal opinión.

The most important this stage is the be sure that there was a total expulsion of the placenta, given that if this does not happen can present complications later. The nursing staff is who has the responsibility to verify that this happens, and to avoid any complications after childbirth, we must evaluate the bleeding that is present in the first few hours after the party. There is also a massage for a best rearrangement of the uterus.

S,A. (2013). Your pregnancy week by week. November 2, 2015, de BabyCenter Expert Advice Sitio web:

November 12 th , 2015

According to the degree of safety of the pregnancy symptoms, we can divide them into three groups in this order:
  •  Presumption of pregnancy signs
  •  Probable signs of pregnancy
  •  Signs of certainty of pregnancy

Presumption of pregnancy sign.
Presumption of pregnancy signs are the first suspicions, and alert to the woman that she may be pregnant. It's very common physical changes to all people and sometimes the pregnancy is not even the most likely cause.
It is the absence of rule and usually constitute the first symptom of pregnancy. In women with regular cycles suggests a pregnancy if the rule is delayed about a week. It is more difficult to detect whether the woman has irregular menstrual cycles; even in women with regular cycles, sometimes menstruation can be delayed or not occur a month, normally after a trip, an emotional shock, a disease...

There are special situations in which that is natural that the woman does not have the rule. Therefore, their absence is considered normal and pregnancy can go unnoticed: the case of children or young adolescents, mothers who give the chest or women in their first months of menopause. On other occasions, few, the continuous rule despite having a pregnancy, being shallow and short.

Nausea and vomiting
They are very common signs of pregnancy and appear mainly in the morning when waking up or after breakfast, but can happen throughout the day. Nausea and vomiting appear days after implantation of the egg in the uterus, due to the hormonal alteration that causes this. To relieve these symptoms it is best to eat little and often, so that the stomach is always busy, but never saturated.

Premenstrual pain
It is common for newly pregnant women to have menstruation like symptoms. The most typical is a similar to the premenstrual pain, i.e., located in the lower part of the abdomen, continuous and deaf, that can be relieved with the heat in the area and taking painkillers. Usually occurs during the first weeks of pregnancy, even before the mother knows his State, by which interprets it as that menstruation is coming. Not to be confused with other abdominal pains that may arise in the more advanced pregnancy...
Increase in urination
In the first weeks of pregnancy, the uterus begins to grow, rounding it. In this way, the uterus compresses the bladder and prevents that you can fill completely with urine; It is another sign of pregnancy. The sensation of urination will be shown much before. During this period it is important for the mother to increase their intimate hygiene to avoid possible infection of urine. Past the first few weeks, the uterus grows up, occupying the rest of the pelvis and freeing the bladder. Urination will return more frequently during the last months of pregnancy.

Tiredness and sleep
They can be one of the first signs of the mother's pregnancy. In the first weeks of pregnancy the mother may feel very tired and ready to sleep throughout the day. In these cases the best rest whenever possible. This State usually send a few weeks but sometimes persists a continuous feeling throughout pregnancy; in this case the doctor must discard the existence of anemia or Hypersomnia (daytime excessive hours sleep or drowsiness).

Change of tastes
The hormonal changes that arise in the body of the pregnant woman can alter perceptions of taste and smell. Is normal for pregnant women like certain foods not usually eating or, conversely, reject others, because the perception thereof is more intense. It is best that women satisfy their tastes without abandoning a diet balanced in gestation.

Dizziness and fainting
The hormonal changes of pregnancy produced the organs of our body is altered, including the heart and brain, which are the main cause of dizziness and fainting. Estrogens and progesterone make blood flow is slower and increase toward the uterus so it is more easy that fainting may occur, i.e., not get enough blood to the brain for a few seconds and the mother feel dizzy or fall to the ground. The mother usually recover quickly and without further complications. 

  • Personal opinion.

It is very important to understand more thoroughly the signs and symptoms of pregnancy and about all know how they are classified, as it often is a pregnancy psychological, which tends to occur in very rare cases. the probability is 1 in 10 pregnancies. In this single week talk the first classification of signs and symptoms of pregnancy. More forward ire broken down more thoroughly classifications that faltanpor know. This Moreover never performed a preference of blood pregnancy test, to be more accurate.

S,A. (2014).Presumption of pregnancy sign.  November 09 , 2015, de BabyCenter Expert Advice Sitio web: 


Probable symptoms of pregnancy

The likely symptoms of pregnancy make suspect women - and the gynecologist - of its gestation. They may occur all at once or go alternating. However, there are women who live a pregnancy without symptoms, something uncommon. More bulky abdomen
Probable symptoms of pregnancy: more bulky abdomen
Enlargement of the womb of the woman can be a probable sign of pregnancy, but it is not always the case: it is possible that is a pregnancy ectopic (egg implanted outside the uterus). In addition, in obese women, the abdomen to increase size can go unnoticed.

Uterus: changes of shape, size, and consistency
In a gynaecological review some genital changes of pregnant women can be observed directly. The causes are due to the hormonal changes of pregnancy and none of them difficult sexual relationships:

The cervix will be soggy and move easily.
In addition, the walls of the vagina are more elastic and have a more intense coloration.The woman herself will notice that the skin of the vulva has a more bluish. The genital changes in the early stages of pregnancy are becoming evident.
 Chest: Increase size

The breasts are congested and in tension. They may be hipersensibilizadas, it may even hurt to the touch: some women find it difficult to wear bra. Changes in breasts are noticeable from the first days of pregnancy. The body begins to gradually prepare to feed the baby.

Swelling and sensitivity
This may be one of the first signs of pregnancy for many women. High sensitivity, tingling and even changes in temperature in the area can be seen. The increase in size is due to the flood of female hormones and fat accumulation that occurs during the first weeks of pregnancy. In the sixth week of gestation chest may have uploaded a full size even more. However, the breasts will continue to grow until the time of birth and later, with the rise of the milk.

Change of coloration, itching and stretch marks
The skin of the nipple and the areola darkens and her profile is most outstanding. Small glands that are around the areolas secrete a fatty substance that nipple doesn't dry out and crack, and fulfil their nutritional function. The growth of the breasts makes that you stretch them and itching of the skin are common. You also notice more veins, bluish in the chest, you will need a greater intake of blood.
Secretions of colostrum
From week 12 or 14 week of pregnancy it is possible that woman's experience of mammary secretions; This liquid (thick and yellow at the beginning of pregnancy) is colostrum, the substance that will feed the baby the first days after birth and that it precedes the rise in milk. Colostrum will become lighter and almost transparent at the time of delivery.

Mood swings
The severe mood swings during pregnancy, especially in the first and third quarters, are very similar to PMS. The woman who suffers from them during the rule is likely to make you play them in gestation, due to the flood of hormones that come into play during this period. In a single day, pregnant women can go from crying to laughing several times, get angry with your partner or colleagues, noticing symptoms of depression or deep sadness...

It is estimated that 10 per cent of the pregnant women suffer depression during the months of pregnancy. It is required to consult the physician if you detect exaggerated mood swings, problems of sleep and changes of food as a severe loss of appetite or inability to stop eating habits. This interferes with the development of a healthy pregnancy

  • Personal opinion.

This classification of the symptoms, the woman is which can go realizing these, since most are physicists and changes our body responses that are not common, but rather this is could be confused with premenstrual symptoms, so it is best scheduling an appointment with the gynecologist. To not get or consider something that is not done.

S,A. (2014). Probable symptoms of pregnancy. November 18, 2015, de BabyCenter Expert Advice Sitio web:


Symptoms and signs of certainty of pregnancy

What are the symptoms and signs of certainty of pregnancy? Fetal heartbeat, positive movements of the baby, and pregnancy tests both blood and urine. Now just check that the implantation of the embryo is correct and ensure that everything develops normally. Some signs not note physically the pregnant and they are only detected by obstetric exploration and analysis.
First ultrasound Usually go to the doctor with suspicions or knowing that she is already pregnant. In this first consultation the doctor must confirm the pregnancy and this will mainly use ultrasound.
Through it you will see inside the woman's uterus to check that embryo is growing.
From the fifth week of pregnancy you may see parts of the body of the baby more easily.
To check the fetal heartbeat, usually wait until the sixth or eighth week of pregnancy, when it can be properly verified. This is often used an eco-doppler, ultrasound system that is able to detect the movement of the fluid, in this case the blood.
First fetal movements
Fetal movements can be detected by the own pregnant from the 20th week of pregnancy in women who have had more pregnancies. Mother interprets them as "kicks", although in reality they are varied making the fetus limbs and movements that shake the amniotic fluid, impacting on the wall of the womb.
Movements can also be seen with ultrasound and fetal breathing movements are especially important. The fetus does not breathe air into the inside of the uterus, amniotic fluid enters and leaves the lungs what is important for the proper development of these but also indicate that the baby's nervous and muscular system is correct.
Urine test: better to wait a week
When implanted the egg fertilized in the wall of the uterus, its cells begin to secrete a substance called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG, for its acronym in English). This substance is important for pregnancy run its course without problems. The first consultations with the obstetrician will analyse the levels of this hormone in the body, which increasingly will be greater. It can be detected in blood and urine, but easier to analyze urine that extracting blood.

This substance is the same that is detected with tests for pregnancy, over-the-counter in pharmacies from two decades ago:
They are able to detect HCG after a few days of delay in the rule, although it is best to wait a week minimum.
The test is simple: is to take some eight drops of urine and deposit them in a bracket where it appears after a sign indicating if there are HCG or not, i.e. If the woman is pregnant or not.
You can give errors and confirm a pregnancy that does not exist or vice versa. You have to go to the doctor if the described symptoms continue or if the test confirms pregnancy.

  • Personal Opinion.

A pregnancy test is not always the most secure, rather, not us ensures 100% that if is this pregnant. It is likely to fail, so that to have a good result is recommended to go to an inquiry or at best time to get a blood test. It should not be spending much time, since, if, if there is a pregnancy, they must carry out prenatal control, for better control of both the mother as the of the baby that will anger developing little by little. It is of utmost importance the prenatal, because this avoids evil formations in the fetus during its development or can be detected in time and correct them if possible. The majority of women, does antenatal care and that's that arise complications during labour, because they arrive at the hospital to zero, i.e., making them the interrogation they don't even know how many weeks of pregnancy have and that makes difficult labor.

S,A. (2014). Symptoms and signs of certainty of pregnancy . November 25, 2015, de BabyCenter Expert Advice Sitio web:

NOVEMBER 30, 2015

Preconception advice for women

European recommendations
The usefulness of folic acid as a preventative of so-called (NTDS) neural tube defects was demonstrated from 1999. The first European review on the subject was published in 2003. The report on NTDS in the Eurocat of the European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies in 2003 contains the official recommendations of 17 European countries. These recommendations include:

 • Supplementation 0.4 - 0.5 mg/day of folic acid in women who are planning a pregnancy. We recommend supplementation beginning at least one month before conception.

 • Supplementation with 4 - 5 mg/day in history of child with neural tube defects, or treatment with anticonvulsants.

 • Promote a diet rich in folate.

 • Promote the creation of fortified foods. It is to increase artificially the amount of folic acid contained in food. They were used mostly in cereals, bread and milk. In countries such as Canada, the USA and Chile food fortification has meant a decline in the prevalence of defects of the neural tube between 30 and 50 percent. This policy can be very useful in countries with difficult economic situations. There are studies that argue that the concentrations of folic obtained are the same, either by supplementation or by intake of fortified foods.

 • Health education campaigns, which means to promote awareness in the field of preembarazo.

 Recommendations in Spain

Preconception supplementation program began formally in Spain in 2001. The recommendation is 0.4 milligrams of folic acid in low-risk women and 4 milligrams in high-risk population. Our country does not carry out a policy of health education in this regard. There have been some information campaigns about the preparation of pregnancy in primary care, whose effectiveness has been limited, as in a study published by the researcher Martínez-Frías in 2008 confirms that in Spain the preconceptional intake - before the pregnancy-folic acid 5 per cent of the women meet it less than.

  • Personal Opinion.

At present there are still women in gestation, who refuse to take folic acid, even explaining the benefits that entails the taking this medicine. However as in the article already mentioned above the jack on this medication is recommended universally and everything has a scientific research that underlies it. That's why there is that taking folic acid, to prevent evil formations in our baby.

S,A. (2014). Preconception advice for women. November 30, 2015, de BabyCenter Expert Advice Sitio web:

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