It is the abnormal growth of cells found in the cervix. Initially, the lesions are so small they can not be seen with the naked eye and thus last several years.
When the cancer is in an advanced stage you can be seen with the naked eye in the gynecological examination or cause other troubles, including abnormal bleeding after intercourse, between periods or after periods of menopause, increasing the flow of bleeding smelly genital tract, hip pain and weight loss.
When you first started, the treatment can be surgically removing the matrix or with radiation therapy and chemotherapy in advanced cases.
Women more likely to have this cancer are those that:
- They started their sex before age 18
- They have had more than 3 sexual partners
- They have had more than 3 deliveries
- smoke
- They have problems of malnutrition
- They are infected with HPV in the cervix


comment: This type of cancer is very severe and very evil for women, since it is a disease with a very high incidence among the Mexican population; prebenible when the disease is detected early, so women should perform a checkup at least every 3-6 months.
public: valeria M.H.C
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