In 2011 there were born
in Mexico 472 thousand 987 babies whose mothers were 19-year-old minors; of
them, 11 thousand 521 had less than 15 years.
According to the INEGI
birth statistics, in the year 2011 born in 2.58 million of children abroad; of
them, 473 thousand had as a mother to a woman who had less than 19 years of age
at the time of delivery. This figure is equivalent to 18.4%, i.e. almost one of
every five girls and children born in 2011 are sons and daughters of teen
The factors that give
rise to these figures are multiple and reveal the need to build more and better
studies that allow to adequately prevent the unwanted, particularly at an early
This, because for many
years this phenomenon, associated with almost exclusively, to poverty and
education. However, the data show that even though Chiapas and Guerrero are the
two entities that have higher fertility rate for the Group of women between 14
and 24 years of age, in third and fourth place are the States of Aguascalientes
and Durango, which exceed widely in terms of social and human development to
the Southeast States.
On the other hand, are
States in which is recorded the highest percentage of pregnancies in women
under age 19, the total State: Chihuahua, with 22%; Coahuila, with 21.7%;
Durango, with 20.6%; Nayarit, with 20.2%, and Sinaloa and Sonora with 19.3%,
It should be noted
also, that younger women in their first pregnancy, is greater probability of
having more children throughout his life. Indeed, the information from the
INEGI shows which of the 11 thousand 521 births in women up to 15 years of age
registered in 2011, in 38 cases were women who already had two children; 470
with three children; 212 with four children, 121 with five children, while 66
girls at that age had six children.
On the other hand, in
the Group of women of 15 to 19 years of age, among whom there were 461 thousand
466 deliveries in 2011, in 354 thousand 326 cases were mothers for the first
time; in 84 thousand 375 cases was his second son. in 16 thousand 165 cases
were women with three children; in three thousand 674 cases treated women with
already four children; in 304 cases with five children, and in 630 with six
to the national survey on population dynamics (Enadid), the Group of women with
less access to contraceptive methods, be it to space pregnancies, how to avoid
them, it is precisely the Group of 15 to 19 years of age.
example, for women who are between 20 and 24 years of age the demand does not
cover contraception is 17.7%; for women between 25 to 29 years of age is 14.4%;
for those with between 30 and 34 years of age is 11%.
contrast, for the girls and adolescents under 19 years of age Mexican the
percentage is 25%; i.e., one out of four who want to prevent or space their
pregnancies has no access to methods of contraception.
Personal opinion
We can see the figures taken in Mexico of teenage pregnancies and noticed that it is not only the girls with scarce resources are those that have higher rate of unwanted pregnancies but also those that have a greater chance of acquiring information and advice in your sex life.
Andrea Martinez Duran
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